About JJ-Fundraising
JJ-Fundraising is a non-profit organisation founded in 2013 which raises money for two different charities each year and have raised almost an amazing £250,000 so far raising money for The British Heart Foundation, Arrhythmia Alliance, Cancer Research, Make A Wish Foundation UK, Muscular Dystrophy and Royal Marines Trust Fund. JJ-Funraising was created in 2013 after a year of representing Fabrice Muamba in his Hearts & Goals Campaign and representing him and Manchester City Football Club in the Great Manchester Run 2013. Jake Decided to set up JJ-Fundraising in memory of his Nanna Hey who sadly passed away in 2006 of heart problems where he began to raise money for the British Heart Foundation which will always be a charity close to heart.
JJ-Fundraising is a group of Volunteers that are in and around Manchester who help raise vital money for a wide range of charities, they get the vote on the charities they want to raise the funds for and the events they want to complete. If they come up with an event they would like to complete no matter how strange or challenging it may be to complete, JJ-Fundraising will do all they can to make that event happen as long as it raises funds for charity then JJ-Fundraising will be more than happy to set it up.
JJ-Fundraising would not be possible without the volunteers and for that we are deeply grateful for all the hard work that the JJ-Fundraising team put in to each event, including some long winded events for example Store Collections, Street collections, Celebrity sports Quiz etc. If you think you would like to join JJ-Fundraising please click on the "The Team" page to see what exactly our JJ-Fundraising members do and what you need to do to get involved.

Jake Jackson
Founder & CEO
My Name is Jake Jackson and I am the creator of JJ-Fundraising. I organise events and set up contact for charities that would like to be selected for JJ-Fundraising to represent.

Dj Delaney
Assistant Manager
My Name is Dj Delaney and I am the Assistant Manager of JJ-Fundraising. I advertise and promote any events that have been created by JJ-Fundraising using Social Media.

Maxwell Kusi
Top Fundraiser
My Name is Maxwell Kusi and I have been a JJ-Fundraising Member since 2014 and my repsonsiblty as a JJ-Fundraising Member is to attend as many events set up by JJ-Fundraising as possible.

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